Narcolepsy Study

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The main purpose of this study is to learn how well the study drug works and how safe the study drug is compared with a placebo. A placebo is an inactive material that looks like the study drug but does not contain any active study drug. Researchers use a placebo to see if the study drug works better or is safer than taking nothing.


Suven Life Sciences (Suven) has begun a study of an investigational drug (also known as the “study drug”) called SUVN-G3031 as a possible treatment for narcolepsy with cataplexy or narcolepsy without cataplexy, which means you have a sleep disorder that causes daytime drowsiness with or without muscle weakness.

Study Schedule

You will be in this study for up to 7 weeks, and you will need to come to the study center at least 5 times over this period.


The study drug will be given at no cost to you, and you will not be charged for any study doctor visits, laboratory work, tests, or procedures that are needed for the study.

Compensation for Participation

You will receive $74 for visit 1 and 5. You will receive $250 for each overnight stay. You will be reimbursed after the final completed visit.

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